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Patch notes 0.0.7-Alpha.9

Updated: Nov 20, 2023

Release Date: 19/11/23 Version: 0.0.7-Alpha.9

You asked, and we listened!

What a week!

After the last closed alpha matches, some players asked for a few improvements, so the dev team buckled up and made them happen!


Hero's Balance


  • Changed ground portals to be the primary ability and the two portals to be the altered mode.

  • Rift effect increases power from 15% > 30% (buff to teammates and debuff to rivals)

  • "Rift" now has a VFX throughout the duration shown on the hero.

  • Added blinking to idle and dance animations


  • Ground stomping power increased by 30%

  • Ground Stomp altered mode now launches Warrick forward.


  • Jane is a fast hero, but we feel like she needs to be a little more in shape, so we decreased all her abilities and stamina consumption by 25%

  • While Jane is the only character who can double jump, she has an issue using the launch pad. We decreased her gravity pull and adjusted the height of her second jump to try and counter that.



Air dashes

  • We are always trying to make the game more fun and engaging, so we are trying something new for this release: All characters can now use their dash while in the air!

New map - Elderfall Arena!

As CabbageBall began to spread around the island of Ro, more and more game fields were established as the demand increased to see more matches. And so the Enlightened tribe built the Elderfall arena.

Hidden in the deep mountains of Elderfall, Cabbagers can now play in a new and exciting arena.

  • The new map has a larger game field (125%) with rounded edges instead of squared ones. We believe a larger play area will give the players more room to make better plays.

Cabbageball Alpha Hats!

Alpha testers can now get the super rare and unique "Alpha Cap." what's a better way to say you are the true OG of CabbageBall?


  • Character Selection - Changed ready button visibility and color when ready


  • Added main menu sound

  • Verified sound association to attenuation and mixer classes


Bug fixes

  • Noel portals remain on the map if cast right before a goal

  • Noel cannot cast any portals anymore when doing volley while casting a portal(resolved only by respawn)

  • Multiple abilities could be cast at the same time, causing unexpected results


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